Love Letter Template – From The First Moment

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates From the first moment

It describes the importance of the love that was there from the first moment.


I still know what strong feelings came over me when I saw you for the first time. Without being able to explain it to myself, my eyes did not deviate from you and your being. I was infatuated and could finally understand what is meant by "love at first sight".

Since I now know and love you, everything else is secondary. The main thing is that you are near me and I know that you are always there for me. I love your kind, your nature and your thirst for action.

Love is the most important thing in life. Again and again we should realize how important and beautiful it is to have a wonderful, familiar and loving partner. This is exactly what I have found in you. With you, life is much more beautiful and the butterflies in my stomach just don't fly away. My heart still swells when I see you laughing and I can look into your beautiful eyes.

Also in the future I want to spend every free minute with you and enjoy life as a couple to the fullest. Of course, there are not only beautiful moments, but difficult situations can be solved the easier, the more we trust and love each other.

You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I hope to convey it to you with my words.

With love

Valentine's Day Love Letter Template

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates

Templates for your perfect love letter