Love Letter Template – Inner Values

Love Letter Template Inner values

In this love letter a woman learns that she is loved. Emphasis is placed on her appealing appearance as well as her inner values.

Love ...,

and once again we write the 14th of February - it's Valentine's Day. This day, when people celebrate love, gave me the courage to write to you. It was not easy for me to do so. When you open your heart to someone, you run the risk of getting hurt. But you can also gain something very valuable. That's why I gathered all my courage to write you these lines.

We have known each other for a long time and I have always felt great sympathy for you. You are not only a beautiful woman on the outside - you are also really charming as far as your character is concerned. It always sounds so trite when people talk about "inner values", and yet it is true that inner values are important, probably more important than anything else. You are balanced, funny, you can listen well, you are simply a person with whom I always and everywhere very much like to be.

Today I feel more than just sympathy for you. It took me a while to realize it myself. Until I noticed that I often get nervous in your presence, as comfortable as I feel with you. That I think of you very often, even when we don't see each other. That I would like to be with you much more often, because you mean so much to me.

Yes, I have fallen in love with you. It became clear to me at some point. You are a woman with whom I can imagine much more than just friendship. We are so similar in many ways, we are so familiar with each other, we can laugh together, but also just sit somewhere together and enjoy the day. And of course you are beautiful.

All this is very important for me, if I can imagine to enter into a relationship with a person, which should preferably last forever. With you I can imagine this relationship. I can not only imagine it, I wish it very much.

You think long and hard about whether you should reveal yourself to someone. I have taken today's Valentine's Day as an opportunity to finally tell you how I feel. I don't know how you feel. Of course, I would be very happy if you felt the same way I do. Maybe Valentine's Day is the beginning of something more than friendship for both of us.

Valentine's Day Love Letter Template

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates

Templates for your perfect love letter