Love Letter Template – Laugh Together

Love Letter Template Laugh together

The lines praise the pluses of the partner. 

The latter gives regenerating strength in the scarce free time and has an extremely contagious sense of humor.


Today, on Valentine's Day, I would like to take the opportunity to write to you how much I love you. When we first met, we were both struck by lightning. And our infatuation quickly turned into something more, because our feelings for each other grew from day to day. Today, we are still as much in love as we were in the beginning, even though - or perhaps because - we already know each other inside out.

I like waking up next to you in the morning and falling asleep next to you in the evening. You always give me the feeling of having arrived. During the day we have to work and can't see each other, but every day I am happy to come home because I know you are there. The little free time we have besides our work commitments always gives me so much energy and vitality.

What I particularly like about you is your calm manner and your humor. You always manage to say and do exactly the right thing in every situation. Laughing with you is something very special and your humor is simply contagious.

When I am stressed and annoyed, you always manage to make me laugh and together with you the sun shines even on the rainiest days. But even when times are not so nice, you always know what to do with your level-headed and calm manner and give me the feeling that nothing bad can happen - because we are together.

I am already looking forward to our next vacation together, because then we will have a lot of time for each other and we can spend many intensive hours together.

I wish that we can laugh together and love each other for many more years, because you are very special to me. I love you.

With love

Valentine's Day Love Letter Template

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates

Templates for your perfect love letter