Love Letter Template – Love wants certainty

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates Love wants certainty

In search of certainty. Feelings are communicated and want to be reciprocated.


Valentine's Day is a day when couples in love spend the evening together, giving each other flowers and small gifts. I also want to give something away, and that is my love.

It was you who made my heart jump when I saw you for the first time. Since then it jumps world records just thinking about you. The way you smile, the way you talk, the way you move, I like it. Everything about you pleases me, although until now I did not dare to confess my feelings to you. This letter should change that. It should let you look deep inside me.

When we happen to be face to face, I sometimes tell myself you look at me with benevolence. I imagine how beautiful it would be if we went through life together. We could swim the deepest seas, climb the highest peaks, overcome any obstacle. I imagine that with you everything is possible. I would go to the end of the world for you.

Sometimes, however, I think you hardly notice me. I feel discouraged and desperate. I hardly eat, I don't sleep, I can't concentrate on my work. The reason is you. My head is buzzing with a thousand questions that I can't answer. Are you all right? What do you feel? Are you deciding for someone else? Or do we both have a chance after all. I ponder, I suffer and I dream.

Today, however, is the day I want to give you certainty. At least, as far as my feelings are concerned. I have fallen in love with you. That's why I want to do everything I can to make you happy. You are the one with whom I want to share my life. Now you know how I feel.

While you are reading this letter, I am sitting here brooding. Wondering if you will carelessly put the paper aside, if you will tear it up, or if you will laugh at my words. In order not to despair, I imagine that you will answer me. That would be nice.

With love

Valentine's Day Love Letter Template

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates

Templates for your perfect love letter