Love Letter Template – My Star

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates My star

In this letter, the partner is compared to a star in the sky. 

The chosen words and comparisons are very flowery as well as emotional.

Love ...,

especially today, on Valentine's Day, when all lovers give each other gifts or think of each other, I feel my longing for you.

Every person who loves another and whose feelings are reciprocated is floating in happiness.

And I am the happiest of all lovers and lovers. Because you are very special.

You, dear star, are not like any of the many stars in the sky. You are the brightest of them all.

Next to your sparkle, all the others pale. You attract the looks on you, all enjoy your shine and wish your nearness.

Yes, am I not rich? Richer than the mightiest kings? For You are my star.

You shine and sparkle for me. Because I love You. Because a thousand sparks burn in me and shine to You when I think of You.

As soon as I look up at the sky at night, my heart laughs. And today, on the Day of Lovers, it won't be able to stop laughing and rejoicing.

It sings and cheers in the highest tones and wishes only one thing: that it never stops. That Valentine's Day will always be ours, will always be a special day for us.

That my heart never forgets to laugh and you, my beloved star, never twinkle for another. We belong together, today and all the years. Let us remember this every Valentine's Day.

Many lovers give each other flowers today. I send you roses, a fragrant, lush bouquet of red roses from the garden of my heart.

You will be able to smell the fragrance and feel my heart. My heart at your heart. My burning sparks in your radiance.

You, my star shine and I - we are love in perfection.

I love you. Your heart.

Valentine's Day Love Letter Template

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates

Templates for your perfect love letter