Love Letter Template – Words Instead Of Roses

Love Letter Template Words instead of roses

In this Valentine's Day love letter, a single man confesses his previously hidden love. For now, there are "only" loving words, instead of roses.


when I looked at the calendar in the morning, I immediately thought of you. Today is February 14 - Valentine's Day!

Every flower I see in a store reminds me of you. The freshly tied bouquets show up today especially lovingly decorated. Hearts upon hearts and roses upon roses everywhere I look. The temptation to purchase a noble baccararose decorated with pearls and tulle bows was enormous. But then I thought you might find it intrusive if I unexpectedly appeared at your door as a rose cavalier. You might not suspect anything about my feelings for you. So I decided to use words instead of roses for the time being.

So I left the flowers in the store and sit lost in thought over this sheet of paper.

Finally I want to confess to you that I have fallen madly in love with you. I don't want to hide my feelings any longer. I would be the happiest person in the world if you would return my love and we could exchange our single life for a common partnership in the future.

Since I know you, the daily solo walk through life seems pointless to me. Instead, I dream of romantic hours of togetherness. Could you imagine that too?

I would like to invite you to have dinner with me next Saturday. Let's laugh, talk and have a good time together. It could be a beginning that leads us both from loneliness to togetherness!

Valentine's Day Love Letter Template

Valentine's Day Love Letter Templates

Templates for your perfect love letter