WhatsApp sayings for Valentine’s Day

WhatsApp sayings for Valentine’s Day

31 Romantic Valentine's Day WhatsApp wishes and messages 2024

What could be better than surprising your partner with a loving saying?

With emotional sayings you show others how much they mean to you. 

Romantic WhatsApp Sayings for Valentine's Day

Romantic WhatsApp Sayings for Valentine's Day

Funny WhatsApp sayings for Valentine's Day

Funny WhatsApp sayings for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day WhatsApp sayings for friends

Valentine's Day WhatsApp sayings for friends

Romantic WhatsApp Sayings for Valentine's Day

Romantic WhatsApp Sayings for Valentine's Day

" A universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas. And I had the luck to meet you. "  

" I saw rainbows in all their splendor, saw the most beautiful, starry night. Saw sunsets where you cry, but never saw a face as beautiful as yours! "  

" Ever since I met you, I can't get you out of my head and certainly not out of my heart. "  

" A Valentine's greeting goes secretly, quietly on its long journey. I hope he does not fly away, he should tell you: I love you! "  

" I love you not only because you are the way you are, but because I can be the way I am when we are together. "  

" Looking into your eyes, entrusting everything to you, sharing every joy with you, overcoming all pain. Sinking in your eyes, almost drowning in your love, that's what I wish from you, together - us! "  

" On Valentine's Day, lovers give each other thousands of roses, kilos of chocolate and fragrant gifts - but I give you my heart! "  

" To the world, you are anyone, but to me, you are the world. "  

" Happiness is the only thing that doubles when you share it. "  

" The earth needs rain, the plant needs light, the sky needs stars and I need you. "  

" Flowers need sunshine and I need you to be happy! "  

Funny WhatsApp sayings for Valentine's Day

You are someone who is not so much for Valentine's Day? No problem, we have some sayings ready for that too.

Whether you're an unromantic single or a couple with a sense of humor, there's a more or less serious portion of love for everyone here.

Funny WhatsApp sayings for Valentine's Day

" -,-,-@ This rose is for you, is to tell you I THINK OF YOU. "  

" Quit. Become an astronaut so I can get you the stars from the sky! "  

" Funny! You look in your profile picture like someone I'm about to tell that I love him more than anything! "  

" You are so hot. Thank goodness I'm not an ice cube or now I'd just be a wet spot on the stool. "  

" This is a coupon message. It is valid for infinite kisses and is to be redeemed until tomorrow. "  

" You must already have feet covered in bubbles, if you have been so through my head all the last few days!!!! "  

" I wanted to send you something beautiful, dear and erotic, but unfortunately I do not fit on the display. "  

" I love you, I love you, how to write that, I do not know. The grammar is also not correct, I love you and that is important. "  

Valentine's Day WhatsApp sayings for friends

Valentine's Day WhatsApp sayings for friends

Valentine's Day is not only a day for lovers, but also a good occasion to think of your friends. Because they are always there for you and usually you have already gone through one or the other difficult hour with them - and survived.

With the right WhatsApp saying you show your friends how much they mean to you.

" You can't rely on anything in life ... except real friends. "  

" True friends are not the ones who want to pull you right up when you are down. True friends just sit with you. "  

" Who has friends for life, also has joy in life. "  

" You can't own friendship, you have to win it over and over again. "

" With hearts and greetings, I would like to sweeten your day. "

" Friends are like stars. You can't always see them, but they are always there. "

" Once love asked friendship, "Why do you exist when I already exist?" To which friendship replied, "To bring a smile where you leave a tear. "

" Who does not honor the friendship, is not worthy of love. "

" A friend, a good friend, that is the best thing in the world "

" Girlfriends are like shoes: when you're young, you can't have enough of them. Later, you find that they're always the same ones you feel comfortable with. "

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